Succulent duck, vibrant vegetables, and a zesty five-spice dressing. In just 30 minutes, you’ll have the perfect blend of flavours and textures, topped with a fresh lime finish. Elevate your dining experience with this quick and sophisticated Asian-inspired delight.

PREP 10m

COOK 20m




  • 2 duck breasts (whole duck if you’re making stock)

  • 2 egg noodle nests

  • Sliced cucumber, carrot, and pepper

  • Fresh lime

5 Spice Dressing:

  • 3 tbsp duck stock or water

  • 1/2 tsp five spice

  • 1 tsp grated ginger

  • 1 garlic clove, grated

  • 2 tbsp honey

  • 1 tbsp cider/red wine vinegar

  • 2 tsp cornflour

Duck & Sauce:

  • Score duck skin without touching the meat, then pan-fry in a cold pan, skin side down, gradually turning to medium heat.

  • While rendering fat, mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.

  • Cook duck until skin is thin, crispy, and golden (7-10 minutes for medium-rare).

  • Flip duck, add sauce to the pan, and finish in the oven (180°C) for 3 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 54-57°C.

  • Drain egg noodles, slice raw vegetables, toss, and serve with sauce, topped with duck.

  • Finish with fresh lime juice and optional fresh coriander.

Slow Cooker Duck Stock:


  • 1 duck carcass

  • 1 onion, quartered

  • 4 garlic cloves, crushed

  • 4 celery sticks, rough-chopped

  • 2 carrots, rough-chopped

  • 2-inch ginger, rough-chopped

  • 10-12 thyme sprigs

  • 2 bay leaves

  • 4 sprigs rosemary


  1. Roast all ingredients on a baking tray with salt for 40 minutes to 1 hour.

  2. Transfer to a slow cooker, set on high, and break down for 5 hours.

  3. Strain and refrigerate for 24 hours to set.