This is the perfect summer side dish, ideal for BBQ’s and family sharing. The Chorizo really take this recipe to a new level- a must make!

PREP 10m

COOK 20m




  • 1kg Salad Potatoes

  • 200g Chorizo ring

  • 1 Onion, finely diced

  • 2 tbsp Mayonnaise

  • 2 tbsp water if mixed with warm potatoes

  • Black pepper

  • Spring onion

How to-

Boil your diced new potatoes in salt water until soft.

Fry your onion and chorizo in 1 tbsp oil until onion is soft and chorizo in gloriously coloured and the oil has been spiked with that paprika goodness.

If serving cold leave all elements to cook before doing the next step. If serving warm continue…

Add the onion and chorizo to potatoes and mix well.

Add the Mayo and mix well, adding the splashes of water if warm.

Optional- add finely sliced spring onion at this point.

Serve with black pepper and additional spring onion.