Mashed potatoes are transformed into savoury cakes, stuffed with cheese and jalapeños, then pan-fried golden.

COOK 25m

PREP 20m




  • 3 baking potatoes (6 regular)

  • 40g fine grated cheddar

  • 3 tbsp cornflour

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 15 finely chopped jalapeños

  • 100g grated cheddar

  • Oil and butter for pan-frying

  • Chutney (tomato/chili/jam), for serving


  1. Prepare Potatoes: Peel and cube the potatoes. Boil the potatoes until fork-tender. Mash the potatoes and add olive oil, salt, fine grated cheddar, chopped jalapeños, and cornflour. Mix until well combined.

  2. Form Potato Cakes: Cut the potato mixture into 8 portions. Take each portion, cut it in half, and form two disks. Add grated cheddar to the centre of one disk. Place the second disk on top and press to seal, creating a stuffed potato cake. Mold the potato cakes into your desired shape.

  3. Pan-Fry: In a pan, heat oil and butter over medium heat. Pan-fry the potato cakes for around 3 minutes per side or until golden brown.

  4. Finish in the Oven: Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place the pan-fried potato cakes in the oven for 5-10 minutes or until they are piping hot.

  5. Serve the Jalapeño Cheddar Potato Cakes with your favourite chutney—whether it's tomato, chili, or jam.