Combine everything into a bowl before bed, leave at room temperature over night, then bake the next day! This effortless loaf is very similar to sourdough in texture and tastes great!

PREP 20m


COOK 40m



  • 7g yeast

  • 1/2 tsp sugar

  • 350ml- 400ml warm water

  • 400g plain flour

  • 2 tsp salt

How to-

  1. Mix together the sugar, yeast and water, leave for a couple of minutes whilst measuring out the flour.

  2. Next add the flour then in a little well in the middle add the salt and mix.

  3. Check the consistency, make sure it’s similar to in the video, add a sprinkle more flour if needed.

  4. Cover with cling film and leave at room temperature over night- I pop on a tea towel.

  5. Remove from the bowl onto a floured surface, pull the sides into the centre to create a ball shape. Keep going until it’s holding it own and you can flip to reveal a nice smooth surface.

  6. Bake at 230°c for 30 minutes with the lid on, then remove lid and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

  7. Leave at least 15 minutes before slicing as the crust will soften and trust me it will still be warm.
