NO - KNEAD FOCCACIA! If you want a satisfying and enjoyable rainy day bake, this is the recipe for you.

Tray- 9x12 inch tray, minimum size that’s at least 2 inches depth. This will take 2.5hours in total, I usually make on Saturday/ Sunday between jobs- with a slow cooker meal like the
sausage casserole or beef stew.
Oven temp 220°c, bake time 22 minutes.

PREP 2h 30m

COOK 22m

TOTAL 2h 52m

SERVES Various


- 475ml warm water
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus more for the tray
- 7g dried yeast
- 565g strong bread flour

Optional Toppings- rosemary, sea salt & rosemary.

How to-

Add the salt, warm water, olive oil and yeast to a bowl and mix well, add the flour and mix until fully incorporated and leave covered for 30 minutes. Leave this in the bowl- I transferred to the tray as I needed the bowl.

Fold 1, After 30 minutes fold the dough with wet hands 4-6 times. The dough gets harder to fold in on its self after so many goes so listen to the dough, but fold from the edge into the centre a minimum of 4 times. Leave covered in a warm area for 30 minutes.

Fold 2, repeat above and leave for 30 minutes covered.

Fold 3, repeat above and leave for 30 minutes covered.

Transfer to an oiled & lined baking tray and leave for an additional 20-30 minutes to rise, add sliced garlic (this must be pressed in to ensure it doesn’t burn, salt, rosemary and oil (2 tbsp) and bake for 22 minutes until the crust is golden and crispy.

Tips- The temperature of your room will make a difference to the rise, ensure your room isn’t cold, leave to rise in a warm room each time.